Monday, June 24, 2019

Team Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Team Dynamics - Essay ExampleTeams enable employees to exploit their potential and therefore increase handicraft performance. A team consists of members with diverse experience, skills and qualification, cultures and business backgrounds. To an organization, this translates into potential for mastery. However, as (Cranny, Smith, & Stone, 1992) notes team building process is a challenging process that can present numerous challenges to the management.However teams have disadvantages such as reduced independence of talented and capable workers, social loafing as well as bureaucracy hence succession wastage (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2005). Tajfel, and Turner, (1979) classifies teams into functional teams which consist only of members drawn from various departments, self-managed teams which are formed to meet some specific goals and objectives and function with little or no supervision, lying-in forces are teams constituted to oversee completion of specific projects, while proce ss improvement teams are comprised of experts as well as technocrats in a give field.Formation of working teams presents the following challenges to leaders establishing strong team leadership, difficulty in establishing positive interpersonal relationships, fear of the teams failing to meet set goals which translates to wasted resources as well as the possibility of members of the team failing to adopt well into the team. These challenges lead to conflicts in the group. As (Cote, & Morgan, 2002) notes, conflicts are not necessarily detrimental to the success of the organization.

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